Life is tough when you're a cat looking for love.
Purrfect Match has a simple premise: each player starts with a set of cats, each of whom differ in their attractiveness...your goal is to convince as many attractive partners as possible to match with your cats.
Each player privately nominates a cat from their hand - and one player publicly reveals their cat, who will then consecutively propose to the others.
If another cat accepts the proposal, congratulations, you have a Purrfect Match and you both get points! If not, continue on and try the next potential partner. A proposer can't go back to a cat they've previously rejected! If the proposing cat hasn't found a partner by the end of the round, then nobody gets points and another proposer is chosen.
Oh, and players can say anything they want at any time to the proposer to convince them to consider their cat over the others.
Simple. Fun. Brutal.
How long should you hold out? Can you trust the other player's representations about their cats? How likely are they to have be hiding a highly attractive partner?

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Official Rules
The official rules for Purrfect Match are available here - they can be easily read on a mobile phone or computer screen, and can be printed out if necessary 👍
Did you know...
There's a micro version of Purrfect Match included in the 18 Games, 18 Cards game - it's played using a single playing card and features nine new characters not included in this game 😁
Common questions
Q: What's a good strategy to get the most points?
A: Half the fun is figuring out what strategy will work best against your friends, but here are a few tips:
- Don't get caught out too often rejecting everyone but the last card. Then you'll be forced between choosing them (and giving them some points) or nothing. And nothing is worth zero points to you.
- Carefully watch which cards your opponents reject, as this will give you a good sense of what the rejected cards are, which you're likely to come up against in future rounds.
- If you're going to lie about your cards' values, do it early in the game - as the game progresses, your opponents will have more information about everyone else's cards and so are more likely to catch you out in a lie.
Q: How many cards are there of each type?
A: The distribution of the 36 cards approximates a normal distribution:
1s: 2
2s: 3
3s: 4
4s: 4
5s: 6
6s: 6
7s: 4
8s: 4
9s: 3
10s: 2
Q: Why do I have to count the value of my initial hand? I don't like math!
A: Nor do we, but early playtesting showed (unsurprisingly!) that players who started with a stronger hand ended up collecting higher value matches. So to even the playing field, everyone's final matches are baselined against their starting hand. Use your phone's calculator to add up your initial hand's value if arithmetic isn't your thing.
Q: Why does Max have a paper bag on his head???
A: Well, he is 1 out of 10. Poor Max. Maybe in a future expansion he'll get a make over.