Fruit Folly

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The fast, fun game of frenzied fruit-fitting!

Fruit Folly is a print-n-play game designed for the Game Crafter's Coloring Book Contest that scored 2nd place overall. Requiring only colored markers, a bag, some cubes and a D12 die, Fruit Folly sees players compete to collect seedlings, make it rain and jostle for planting space in the community garden - whoever can plant and protect the largest fruit patches will be rewarded with Award points!

Fruit Folly is easy to learn, fruit-fitting game with push-your-luck, take-that and area control mechanics...for up to FOUR players!

Buy it now on The Game Crafter


"...For some reason this game just clicked for me and my team on so many levels. There is so much strategy here, both obvious and subtle!"

-Chris Rosetti, Rampage Games